Welcome to Earth School, Wrightwoods first and only natural school for nature reconnection.
Escuela de la Tierra or Earth School, started in 2016 with Nature Reconnection’s first rewilding summer camp in Wrightwood. The rewilding summer camps ran for 3 successful years in Wrightwood. The pandemic and other factors forced this program to take a pause while its instructors traveled to other countries to teach. During this unplanned pause in our children’s programs, we created something we believe will be more impactful and consistent. Escuela de la Tierra is an ongoing program with weekly classes, a full curriculum, and a ranking structure to progress students up to a level of survivalist. The sky is the limit at Escuela de la Tierra.
Our Mission:
At Earth School our mission is to preserve the skills and knowledge that allows humans to thrive in nature. We believe that by developing a relationship with nature our students will remain grounded in difficult and challenging times. The skills our students learn teach them to be resourceful, creative, self-expressive, and self-reliant. In conclusion, our mission is to get our students off the i-pads and away from the TV screens for a more balanced and healthy life while preparing them to overcome obstacles and challenges.
Class Times:
Earth School
Every Friday 9:00am - 11:30pm
We train all ages, 7 years old and up.
Attention Drop-in students
Attention Drop-in students 〰️
Are you visiting Wrightwood and want your child to take part in Earth School? Do you want to try a couple classes and see if Earth School is a good fit for your child? Is Earth School so exciting that you will drive hours to join us for the day!? No worries, we understand! Pay a drop in rate and join us for the day!
What do we teach?
Earth Science
Survival and Wilderness Skills
Wilderness Living Skills
Wilderness First Aid
Why Earth School?
No politics, and no agenda other than nature education. Other youth nature programs have sold out to special interests and have lost the skills and knowledge to help children form relationships with nature. Our program focuses on the original skills our collective ancestors used to thrive in nature before modern technology. The goal for each of our students is to get them to a level of competence and proficiency to survive in the wilderness with little or no tools for long durations of time, without resupply. No selling cookies, or popcorn in front of supermarkets for badges. At Earth School, your focus will be on skills and knowledge and a personal quest to understand nature. Our program offers students an achievable ranking system to eventually earn the title and certification of survivalist.
Who is teaching this program?
Chad Keel is the head instructor of this program. He is the owner of Eleven Elevation Jiu-Jitsu Academy, and Nature Reconnection, all based in Wrightwood. Chad was raised in Phelan within a very outdoorsy family. Chad moved to Hawaii after high school and worked for Hawaii’s Eco-Tourism Association. Here, he began to realize that his passion was nature education. When returning to the mainland he sought out all types of instructors within the fields of geology, botany, survival, bushcraft, and primitive living skills. Chad has studied and trained with the top instructors from around the globe, and with many indigenous tribes in areas like South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, West Indies, Central America, South America, and even in autonomous territories that are heavily disputed like Gilgit-Baltistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Carter Hafif is an assistant instructor and head of the geology program. He runs his own photography business on top of Nature Reconnection. Born in Southern California, Carter has spent many years familiarizing himself with the local environment. Studying Geology & Environmental Science, Carter has a unique background and perspective on nature education. He has also spent time in Pakistan with Nature Reconnection, teaching primitive skills and wilderness first aid.
Guest instructors will be brought in who are experts in their given fields for special workshops and seminars!